Useful links
Some other Websites that have useful and interesting Gauge '3' content:
Members Messaging Service - A private messaging service for Gauge '3' Society Members
The Gauge '3' Forum - an independent Forum for anyone interested in Gauge 3 or 2.5" models generally.
The Gauge '3' Wiki - A dedicated G3 site - designed to help beginners with projects, tips about kits and related G3 'stuff'
G3 at Western Thunder - postings by a group of skilled Gauge 3 modellers - recommended.
Other Sites which may be of interest
The German 'Spur II' Group (German near-equivalent of Gauge 3)
The National 2 1/2" Gauge Association - the 'passenger-hauling' aspect of our gauge - and an excellent source of castings and drawings for Gauge 3 Model Engineers!
The British Railway Modellers of North America
An interesting web site for anyone modelling British prototypes, especially if based in America or Canada.
Victor Shattock (IBLS) - An American Gauge 3 Pioneer - The fascinating story of a G3 live steam modeller in the US, his spirit-fired engines and his basement layout in Oakland, CA.
The Midland Railway Study Centre - a wonderful source of information for 'Midland' modellers - with some excellent downloadable resources - including detailed wagon and locomotive drawings. Well worth a visit!
Modelengineeringwebsite.com An established News site dedicated to all aspects of model engineering
The Gauge 1 Model Railway Association (G1MRA)
The web site for the 10mm Railway Modeller - but much of interest to those of us who model in 13.5mm scale.
Association of Larger Scale Railway Modellers (ALSRM)
An umbrella organisation covering all the larger scales from S scale upwards.
Disclaimer. The above links are provided in good faith but the Gauge '3' Society cannot be held responsible for the content of external sites, nor do we necessarily endorse the products or services offered.